Happy 4th of July with Fireworks Hill

Fireworks on the 4th of July. What could be more American? What could be more patriotic?
How about a romantic song about fireworks with a bit of weirdness to it. It is called “Fireworks Hill” and its by catman cohen.

Dark romance in graveyards beneath the stars can be found within Catman Cohen’s NEW music video: “Fireworks Hill.”

Music and Lyrics by Catman Cohen
Vocals by Francis Dunnery and Annette Lum
Video by Mazedude

Produced and Arranged by James Lum & Bruce Wangsanutr

“Fireworks Hill”…..from Catman Cohen’s new 4th CD….”Confessions of a Shadow”

Is the fourth of July a federal holiday? I always worked during the holiday while at my federal job.