While his website says nothing about civil rights or EEOC cases, and makes no mention of federal employee, I put this information up, to explain that besides civil rights cases, there are many types of cases being heard at United States District Court for the Central District of California . Please try to find a lawyer with a FREE CONSULTATION, as the one I just called wanted $4,500 for a consultation.
There are two distinct and interrelated levels of government in the United States, the Federal and state systems. Each of the fifty states has its own state government, while the national government is the Federal government. Federal law often “trumps” state law, is sometimes separate from state law and sometimes interacts with state law. An example of a purely federal crime would be a crime committed in a National Park. These parks are under the jurisdiction of the Federal government and are patrolled by United States Park Rangers. An attack on the President would also be a federal crime. So-called “ordinary” crimes like domestic violence or battery, for example, are usually dealt with through laws of the individual states.
You stand a much greater chance of success with such an experienced counsel. He is one of the relatively few lawyers to have actually argued a case before the California Supreme Court, People v. Leon. He is not only admitted before all the courts in California, but also the United States District Court for the Central District of California, the United States 9th Circuit Court of Appeal, and the United States Supreme Court, where he appeared at counsel’s table in the case of California vs. Rooney.
Free consultations are available. Mr. Lewis will sit down with you and get all the information necessary to make a determination of what needs to be done. He will go to the jail to interview a defendant if necessary. He will explain the entire appellate process in detail and, if retained, keep in touch with the defendant and any family members or representatives the defendant wants. He will do everything possible to see that the defendant is successful in his appeal or writ. He will never rest until the case is favorably resolved.
Call Ken Lewis now to schedule a FREE CONSULTATION at: 213-624-4904, day or night, or e-mail him kenlewis@losangeleslegaldefense.com.
Yes. Federal Court is formal and daunting. Federal judges are appointed by the President, require Senate approval and serve for life, unless impeached for bad behavior by the Senate. Procedures and rules are very different from state courts and a lawyer must be very knowledgeable in Federal procedure to adequately represent a client in Federal Court. Don’t rely on an attorney who does not have extensive Federal Court experience.
Yes. Depending on the complexity of a case, the Federal government can take years to investigate, indict and arrest a defendant. A “grand jury”, a group of ordinary citizens which sits to hear whether there is enough evidence to indict, is often used by the U.S. Attorney to answer investigative questions under oath, and to help put together its case. Always consult a knowledgeable attorney if called before a grand jury, even if you believe you are innocent or only a witness to a crime. One misspoken word and you could end up being a target of the investigation even though you are innocent. A skilled attorney is vital in these serious situations!